Jude the Therapy Dog

We are thrilled to introduce the latest addition to our school family - Jude, the therapy dog!  Jude is a friendly and gentle companion and has undergone extensive training to ensure she provides comfort and support to our students and staff.  

In March of 2023, Jude became Canine Good Citizen certified.  This certification demonstrates her good manners and obedience, making her a reliable and well-behaved presence.  In November, Jude and (Mr. Clark) became a certified Therapy Dog Team through Healing Hearts Therapy Dog Inc. of Crete,  Nebraska.  As a Therapy Dog Team,  their mission is to bring joy, comfort, and companionship to those who may benefit from the unique connection with a loving canine friend.  

Jude comes to Tri County 2-3 times per week, her presence at school aims to enhance the overall well-being of our students and staff.  Research has shown that interactions with therapy dogs can reduce stress, anxiety, and feelings of loneliness.  Moreover, therapy dogs contribute to a positive and inclusive school environment, creating a sense of community and connection.