Attention families of girls in 3rd- 6th grade---
If you're interested in joining a Tri County youth volleyball team for the TC League on Saturdays in September, please register with this link:
The Tri County Youth Volleyball Program is hosting a fall volleyball league on Saturday mornings in September for 3rd-6th graders.
THIS FORM IS FOR GIRLS WHO WOULD LIKE TO PLAY ON A TRI COUNTY TEAM IN THIS LEAGUE. Please fill out this form for EACH volleyball player that you are registering prior to the parent meeting on August 21st so that we can begin to form teams!
Games will be on Sept. 7, 14, 21 & 28th. The 3rd/4th grade division will be held in the elementary gym and the 5th/6th grade division will be held in the high school gym. We will do our best to complete games by 1:00pm, so we may need to move a division to the other gym from time to time to help with this. (All players and fans should enter through the south high school doors, regardless of which gym you're playing in.)
Once the teams are formed, the coaches will let you know the fee that you owe for the league based on the number of girls on the team. (The team fee is $150.) You will need to submit your fee TO YOUR COACH and your coach will submit ONE payment for the team.
-players must wear designated court or PE shoes (no outside shoes allowed)
-teams provide their own balls for warm up
-teams will be responsible for having their players be the referees, line judges and scorekeepers for designated games each week
For questions call or text- Bobbie Scherling 402-239-2438 or Brandi Schmidt 402-520-2850
SAVE THE DATE and plan to attend the parent meeting on Wednesday, August 21st in the high school cafeteria at 6:00pm. See you there!