Important Reminders!
October 10 | 5:00-7:00 PM....Tri County Trojans v. Freeman Falcons Volleyball Game
Next week, bring your monetary or food donations to the container outside of the High School office or to Freeman Public Schools before the game to help your team beat Freeman in the First State Food Drive Face Off and receive a fee popcorn voucher in return. All food and monetary donations will be taken to local food pantries.
FFA is selling fruit, meats, cookie dough, and chocolates until October 16th! If you would like to buy find a member or you can contact Ms. Graff for more information
10 students competed in the Jr. High County Spelling Bee in Fairbury this morning. Lane Sheldon placed 2nd, Lilly Ebbers placed 7th, Emily Wood placed 8th, and Zoe Klasek placed 3rd. Congratulations, stellar spellers!
We're back on the road! It is gameday at St. Cecelia!
TC Junior High Volleyball hosts Beatrice at home tonight! B team plays at 4:30 followed by A team.
Congratulations to Sage Holtmeier for winning the UNK invitational today out of 189 runners. Isabelle Peters placed 9th. The girls team placed 9th out of 35 teams.
Sammy Holsing placed 9th out of 292 runners. The boys team placed an impressive 4th out of 51 teams.
Great day for all runners!!!
5th Grade attended the Earth Festival at Camp Jefferson on Thursday. They had great learning experiences about DNA-Biodiversity/Biogentics, Water Quality, Water Cycle, Animal Adaptations, Trees, Crickets, and other Nature Experiences.
Our book fair has started!! All of our K-6 students will have a chance to shop during their library time. The fair will also be open during parent teacher conference night.
Were back at home tonight for a Tri County Volleyball Game against EMF! Theme is camo!
Tri County Student Council members along with sponsors Hannah Gay & Ashton Wollenburg spent several hours cleaning & staining the gazebo next to the library in Plymouth. The gazebo was originally constructed by Tri County teacher John McGary & his shop class in 2012.
FFA Update:
Some freshman and sophomores attended the SCC Career Day where they participated in hands-on workshops about ag careers
We had our September FFA Meeting, and the junior officer team attended the Connecting Chapters Training to learn how to teach ag literacy to the elementary.
~The TC FFA Chapter will start their annual fruit and meat sales on September 30th and run till October 16th.
Many thanks to Mrs. Simpson's 2nd grade class for having the 8th grade computer apps class come in and help with STEAM rotations.
Homecoming Week Recap: A celebration to remember!
to read the full article click here:
It's time for our Scholastic Book! We are all ready for our students to shop beginning on Monday. All of our K-6 students will have the chance to shop during their library time. Students will also be filling out a wishlist and those will be available during conferences with their classroom teacher. On conference day the book fair will be open from 1:00 - 7:30. You can also support our fair by shopping online
Thank you for shopping our fair... your purchases help support our amazing libraries at Tri County!
Careers in Construction Day at
SCC Milford was a great hands-on experience for all of the students who attended!
Students in Mr. Coenen's algebra class made math fun by played math volleyball today!
Jude's special visit to Mrs. Garrison's class: sparking joy and creativity!!
Read the full story
It's GAMEDAY for our JH volleyball teams! Come out and watch the Lady Trojans take on Diller-Odell at home. The first match starts at 4:00pm!
Round up all your friends and family for another Tri County Volleyball Gameday at Elmwood Murdock!